Why should we plant trees?

  • As we learned in third grade biology, trees are essential to life. They create the very air we breathe and filter air pollution.
  • What you may not know is that trees also build soil and help soak up storm water before it can create a flood, and they offer energysaving shade that reduces global warming and creates habitat for thousands of different species. Trees also help to reduce ozone levels in urban areas.
  • Most importantly, trees sequester carbon, helping to remove carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases from the air, which cools the earth. In fact, a mature canopy tree absorbs enough carbon and releases enough oxygen to sustain two human beings!
  • “No occupation is so delightful to me as the culture of the earth, and no culture comparable to that of a garden.” – Thomas Jefferson

Why we took initiative for Tree Plantations

As we are Located in Mulund Near By perimeter of Sanjay Gandhi National Park.

Long back ago Monkeys used to visit in our locality once in a week.

As day by day population in locality got increase more no of people started going to Jungle and as time passes more numbers of Trees were cut down and this result in more number of monkeys were coming to locality in search of food instead of one day in a week.

They started coming whenever they wanted to come and all of a sudden there was dynamic change in monkey’s behavior due to Human intervention in the Jungle. Monkey has become threat for human some people says but no one is seeing the real reason behind that what we have done with their food and area. We started cutting down the trees and now we are calling monkey as a thief.

Most Famous show of National Geographic (Monkey thief) Main Question Arise How do we stop monkey entry in our locality Solution:- Answer is quiet simple just rectify the mistake which we have done in past years. We should go to Jungle again but this time not to cut trees but to plant the trees. If we start planting plant for next straight 5 years and take proper care of it. The result will gradually show some significant and this way we can save (3 life’s:-Monkey, Human and Earth)

Action to Start Tree Plantation

  • There was a huge area at the entrance of Park which was vacant with no trees so it gave us a base to start with the tree plantation Campaign.
  • We gathered our team and followed all the legal measure to bring this Vision into reality.
  • We received Needed Support from Forest Ranger and Local Police station as they also took part in this Campaign.
  • With a total of 150 human efforts considering School students who also Volunteered to make this tree plantation Campaign a huge success and they too learned something new.


TREE PLANTATION in Sanjay Gandhi National Park

TREE PLANTATION Campaign at SIES College

Post Monsoon Call of Duty