First, let us understand what is cyber-crime. Cyber Crime refers to the use of an electronic device (computer, laptop, etc.) for stealing someone’s data or trying to harm them using a computer. Hackers steal confidential data in unethical ways and utilize this information and data for spurious purposes. Cybercrimes are high functional frauds that can wipe off big online financial transactions and transfer the entire amount into criminal accounts

The YOTM Team intend to create awareness among the youth and shed some light to make us all aware of its facts & consequences. The Team tried their best to spread this awareness so that no one get trapped in it. Some member & Volunteers in the team had put down all their efforts and made brochures and banners so that everyone is aware of it and it should be socially present. They have tried to explain the Youth of this generation by using various sources even by making PPT about it. The Team has conducted many such awareness programs against cyber-crime in colleges like Shri Ram College of Science & commerce, SIES College of Management Studies, NES Ratnam College of Arts, Science & commerce.

Cyber Crime help us to help ourselves but not fall victim to this Malicious Activity.
